24-Hour Hateful Live!

24-Hour Hateful Live!


Chris Keating: With “24-Hour” they were like little lyrics that I had just messed around with, and I was just, “I really want to specifically name-check this like horrible Minister of Disinformation, Sarah Sanders and this disgusting troll-boy Stephen Miller.” And I think the first time I showed it to Anand, he was like, “It might be a little too explicit.” And I was like, I don’t know, George Harrison name-checked two politicians in England, in [The Beatles’ 1966 song] “Taxman,” you know? “Haha Mr. Wilson, Haha Mr. Heath.” And I liked that. And I didn’t even know if Sanders and Miller were even gonna make it, because the turnaround in this administration so unprecedented, you know? But I think it’s a testament to how evil and disgusting they truly are – the fact that they’re still around. It’s like, Stephen Miller is just the architect of the entire platform Trump ran on, which is complete xenophobia and children in cages.