All Over the World

All Over the World


Yet another weird, nearly undeciphrable set of lyrics by Frank Black. He told Melody Maker in April 1991 about his writing:

I read how some artist – Man Ray, I think – did a photographic portrait of a famous actress. They went out to the countryside, but he forgot to bring his lenses. He took the lenses out of his glasses and got the best portrait ever. I like that kind of thinking.

Apparently, this happened when Man Ray was shooting not an actress but fellow artist Henri Matisse.

In any case, Francis goes on to explain how this sort of improvising shapes his own songwriting craft:

Like “All Over The World” It’s total spontaneity, just screaming and jumping around, and the end section goes into a whole other song. Our producer was really pissed because he didn’t know what was going on. But I didn’t either! I said, “Look. I’m a surrealist, plus I’m lazy and full of shit, so let’s just see how this comes out, all right?” And in the end, it was his favourite song