Trust Issues

Trust Issues

Lauren Jauregui

“Trust Issues” is “an ode to potential lovers,” and serves as the second single from Lauren Jauregui’s second EP, In Between. The singer performed the song on several occasions, before releasing it on March 31, 2023.

“Trust Issues” shows Jauregui not wanting to be in a relationship due to being hurt and heartbroken by a former lover. Even though her new love interest is different, she hasn’t healed yet and doesn’t want to put the new person in what could be a toxic relationship. In a March 2023 interview with Rolling Stone, the American singer stated:

I wrote [“Trust Issues”] at a point in my life where I wasn’t healed enough to be getting into a new relationship seriously, so “Trust Issues” is a warning.

In addition, the accompanying music video is about breaking the fourth wall, and letting go of vulnerability.