I’m Gone

I’m Gone

Oliver Tree

I’m Gone is the fourteenth and final track on Oliver Tree’s debut album, Ugly Is Beautiful.

When asked about this song, Tree says that this is his last album as Oliver Tree, and how his “snotty-ass” fans made him want to quit the music industry.

The song seems to be a timeline of events of a relationship. In the first verse, Tree seems remorseful, saying he was in the wrong.

In the second verse and the bridge, he seems to have come to his senses, asking how he could’ve forget why he left the in the first place.

In the third verse, he seemingly mocks his past self, repeating the first verse, only to state that the person/persons he’s referring to we’re selfish, only wanting more.

The chorus seems to be a reflection of his past music personas, saying that “they,” (referring to his fans), will always find him (his past music).

During live shows, a reprise of one of Tree’s most popular songs, Alien Boy, was included at the end.

This song was revealed to be the last track of Ugly Is Beautiful through YouTube copyright strikes.