Norman Fucking Rockwell [Album Trailer]

Norman Fucking Rockwell [Album Trailer]

Lana Del Rey

Throughout her career, Lana Del Rey has become known to release short trailers for an album before its release, and Norman Fucking Rockwell! was no exception. The Norman Fucking Rockwell! album trailer was released on Lana’s Instagram and YouTube channel on August 1st, 2020, alongside the album cover and tracklist reveal.

The trailer reflects a 60s California beach-style aesthetic which is a theme carried throughout the album. The trailer also gave us a first look at the finished studio produced song “Norman Fucking Rockwell!”, which is the title track of the album.

The visuals in the trailer are also snippets of the projects related to the album, with scenes from the “Fuck it I love you / The greatest” and “Norman Fucking Rockwell / Happiness is a butterfly / Bartender” music videos used with the snippets being played.

A behind-the-scenes photo from the trailer