“A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FUTURE” was released as part of a trailer for the album, the day before it’s release. It’s a 80 second video cut together from the music videos of the four singles. It’s narrated by the band’s singer, Dustin Bates.

The narration of “A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FUTURE” is just that: a summary of what has happened to humanity between now and 2049, when the events of DIVISIONS takes place. NEW WEST’s Brain Machine Interface (BMI) has taken the world by storm, and many people have bought into it.

In STARSET’s lore, the BMI is three dots in your left temple that glow when in use. It may not look like much, but it is very powerful. According to an infomercial shown during the intermission of their demonstrations, the BMI downloads your memories into something called the ARCHITECTURE, which in turn makes a personalized world just for you to wander around and to relive all of your favorite memories. That’s the addictive quality of it, far more powerful than nicotine.

Those who didn’t buy into the BMI have a different view on it: the BMI is a trap, a prison, a cell. Everyone is now more or less inert: their bodies left behind while their souls wander around the BMI’s worlds. Their actual minds are so useless that they can’t even think for themselves anymore in the real world, not that they would want to be in the real world with the BMI on their left temple.

The narrator has suddenly realized that the real world offers so much more than the BMI offers. Confident, he goes off on a journey to find the truth about NEW WEST, himself, and how humanity got to be this way.