Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

Marcus King

I believe this was the first song I had the pleasure of writing with Paul Overstreet. His catalog floors me—every time I hear something else that he’s written, it’s just staggering to me.

The song is about a beautiful stranger— someone that you see from afar but you never really get to speak to. Again, it’s something that’s just out of reach, but you know how strongly you feel about it. It’s the kind of song that, just like in all my other writings, is meant to be left to how you perceive it. Even members of my band have asked me about the song and pointed out how they feel about it.

The production value of this song is something that really grabs me because I went out on the road after we cut it. When I came back, Dan had added the background harmonies and the choir sections, which just stunned me. This song really grabs me in the best of ways.