Girl in a Country Song

Girl in a Country Song

Maddie & Tae

“Girl In A Country Song” is a satire song sang by girl duo Maddie & Tae. The lyrics poke fun at so-called ‘bro-country’s’ tendency to objectify women and present them solely as the singer’s target of affections. It asserts that women are more than a “pretty little thing”.

In one interview, Maddie & Tae explained the song’s conception:

We were going into a songwriting session one day, and we had just been in the car listening to country radio like we do every single day, because we love these songs and we love these guys. We were laughing, because all these lyrics were very similar, and there were a lot of clichés in them. So what we did was we made this checklist, and on the checklist it had bare feet, cutoffs, tanlines, tan legs, but the most important one is the girl.
And this smoking-hot girl is typically in cutoff jeans with long tan legs dancing on a tailgate shaking her money-maker. Tae and I were like, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t think we can live up to those expectations.’ We thought it would be kind of fun to give this girl in these songs a voice.

“Girl in a Country Song” went viral because of its music video, which puts men into the “country girl” role to highlight how ridiculous it can be.