The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone is one of the leading music magazines today, and their list of the 500 “Greatest Songs” of all time is considered by them to be “the definitive list”. It was published after they listed their top 500 albums.

The list is quite diverse in its tracklisting. Alexandre Passant wrote a blog post, in which he found:

  • “Love” is the most popular word
  • “I want to” is the most popular phrase
  • Only 13 songs have the word “sex”, 5 have “drug”, and only 4 have “rock'n'roll”, dissipating all hope for a “Hotel California”-esque list, as described by the writer.

The list saw an update in 2010. Twenty-six new songs were added, all from 2000 and onwards, bar one (Juicy by Notorious B.I.G). The amount of songs from each decade are listed below.