Alabama Gotdamn

Alabama Gotdamn


Yelawolf dropped this track on March 22nd, 2011. It will be featured on his debut album for Shady Records, Radioactive, to be released this summer. He was signed along with Slaughterhouse as part of “Shady Records 2.0”, the new round of artists Eminem is working on in the lab.

Prior to moving back to Alabama with his mother and step-father, Yelawolf was a vagabond, walking and hitchhiking across the country. This song, while at times crunching a lot of states into one line, is likely mostly based on the Alabama rapper’s real life journeys. Yela’s masterful wordplay is exhibited, as he tries to name all 50 states in one song and make as many of them into double entendre’s as possible.

While some think his redneck absentmindedness caused him to leave out the state of Delaware, it is quite possible that it is meant to be included as a double entendre early in the first verse. We tend to doubt he would be so careless about the very core of the track.

The track and beat sample Nina Simone’s classic protest anthem “Mississippi Goddam”, in which the chorus actually states “Alabama’s gotten me so upset”.