The Party & The After Party

The Party & The After Party

The Weeknd

In this two part song, Abel gives temporary love, sex, and drugs to a girl who desperately wants it. During the party, Abel’s not only willing, but more than happy to serve this girl.

However, once he’s got her falling for him, Abel begins to show his true colors during the afterparty. Both the destructive lifestyle he lives and the come down from the drugs he’s taken have a toll on Abel when nobody’s looking.

The hook samples “Master of None” from Beach House’s 2006 self-titled album.

The first part is the “party” which was produced by Jeremy Rose, The Weeknd’s early producer. Originally the track was only one part, but after the two split another producer added on the second part, the “after party.” Rose was not compensated nor given credit for his contribution to the song.