

Ocean Vuong

“Eurydice,” the title of the poem, is from the Greek Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Eurydice is the name of Orpheus’ wife who he attempts to save from the Underworld after she dies while they are celebrating their wedding. Depending on the version of the Myth being read, Eurydice is celebrating in a clearing in the forest and either a satyr or a shepherd sees her and attempts to pursue her, and in her fleeing her new pursuer she either falls into a pit of vipers or is simply bitten by a snake and dies. Orpheus, completely heart broken by the loss of his new wife finds is way to the Underworld and makes a deal with Hades that he can leave the Underworld with Eurydice so long as he didn’t look at her until both of them were back amongst the living. Orpheus, having himself exited the Underworld, in his excitement turns to his wife who has yet to have crossed the threshold and he thus loses her forever. This poem is an interesting, modern retelling of this Myth, with very haunting imagery and allusions to going through hell and being humbled because of it.