A Letter from Janelle

A Letter from Janelle


A Letter From Janelle is a letter that was sent to Chiodos vocalist Craig Owens by a friend, Nicole Rork. The lyrics are of the pieces that Craig feels comfortable sharing, as the letter, which he reviews in times of distress, still means a great deal to him.

An acoustic version of this song is featured on the 2008 reissue Bone Palace Ballet: Grand Coda.

In the booklet that comes with the physical album, it reads:

We make the sun shine,
I’ll never be one of those hundreds of people in your life that do tricks for treats.
Take the time to be still , silent and alone.
To remember who you really are.
It’s so easy to get lost in constantly having to present, whatever face you believe a person wants to see, rather than your own.
It’s funny, how some things in life we take the greatest gamble.
Heeding cautious words, choosing to follow an undecided future.
Yet we hesitate, to surrender all of our insecuritees…
Only the ones we are most comfortable relinquishing.
Such a paradox, isn’t it?