Broke Bitch

Broke Bitch

Tiny Meat Gang

“Broke Bitch” was TMG’s first single of 2020, and their first track since the July 2019 track “Club Poor.” Already the track is one of the group’s most successful to date.

The song marks a turn into more serious music for Cody and Noel, after they had made a name for themselves with overtly comedic tracks like “Keep Your Dick Fat” and “Short Kings Anthem.” There is still an element of tongue-in-cheek humor to “Broke Bitch,” but it is a bit more subtle.

There are several layers of meaning behind the track. The baseline premise is that Cody and Noel are calling out all the clueless “broke bitches” who are trying to get with them. Irony sets in at the end of the flashy, elegant music video when it is revealed that the whole thing was paid for by a SeatGeek sponsorship. Noel explained on Episode 120 of The TMG Podcast:

That’s the irony of the whole video […] We couldn’t afford it. We needed a brand sponsor to afford the video, so the irony is that we’re the broke bitches because we had to find [a budget to shoot the video.]