All Eyes on You

All Eyes on You

Smash Into Pieces

Ep.5 – All Eyes On You

The whole world is on the lookout for him and from now on, he have to be extra careful with every move. As he is moving in the shadows of the city, he hears someone say ”Hey Stranger”. Apoc freezes.

”Just listen and stay hidden, you never know if big brother’s watching” says a guy with his back turned against him. ”I’m guessing the glitch at todays meeting was made by you, which means that we’re seeing the same reality. ”

Apoc gets to listen to what a guy called Chris has to say about Arcadia. He’s using sunglasses so no one can that he’s no longer using his AI-lenses anymore. This way, he can walk around in Arcadia and see the methods that S4Y is using to maintain control.

via Smash Into Pieces website