Based on the lyrics of the song, it appears to be about the struggle to connect with others and find love and understanding. The lyrics mention the idea of conveying how to love someone through song, but also suggest that this is not enough to truly connect with someone. The song also touches on the theme of healing from emotional wounds, and the idea that sometimes these wounds are so deep that they can feel overwhelming or life-threatening.

The song also seems to be exploring the idea that people often try to fit their experiences and emotions into predetermined or cliched narratives, and that these narratives can be limiting or inadequate in expressing the true complexity of human experience. The lyrics mention the idea of cliched words and answers, and suggest that they are not enough to truly connect with someone.

Overall, the song seems to be about the struggle to find genuine connection and understanding in a world that can often feel superficial or disconnected. It touches on the idea that love and healing can be difficult and painful, but ultimately worth striving for.