“801” is about each of the members growing up in a religious setting in Provo and learning to find themselves in that space. Utah culture and politics are dominated by the LDS church. The number “801” is the area code for the Wasatch Front in Utah. The song is based on a poem Alisa wrote after going to the only gay club in Salt Lake City.

For Cristal, Alisa, and Katie especially as queer women, finding their own space was difficult growing up. Cristal told American Songwriter:

The biggest thing I’d go back and tell myself as that young girl is that all these things just take time. Keep looking forward and find your community and what brings you so much joy. It doesn’t have to be next door to you. It can be online or a few states over. But they’re there. Don’t lose hope. As a 24-year-old, I look back on 17-year-old me and think, ‘That was a brief moment in time.’”