All Along

All Along

Glass Cloud

I was originally going to call this one, “All Along, I’m Leaving” because it’s about my thoughts on inevitably leaving home to be in this band. I felt a lot of guilt about leaving my family and friends but I knew I had to do it to make a life and a name for myself and my brothers in the band. The chorus states the main idea of having to see that look in your loved one’s eyes that says, “I don’t want you to go” and having to say, “You know I have to do this.” It’s the most bittersweet feeling you can feel, and every person who has been in a touring band knows that feeling. It’s different from going to college or being away for other reasons because with those, you know when you’re going to be back home. Being in a touring band, you could be away for months only to come home for a week and leave again for months.

~Travis Sykes