‘'Dream of You’‘ is a song by the South Korean soloist known as Chung Ha. This is apart of the title track ’‘Querencia’‘ which has a variety of songs.

‘'Dream of You’‘ has a groovy and energetic beat that will get you up to dance. Somebody who had featured in the song is also R3HAB. This song even has a choregraphed dance that is shown in the official MV for this song. This song includes English which is different from her songs since majority of them tend to be Korean, but this day was her plot twist.

The concept of this song is pretty deep, and such as addicting and clingy love. Chung Ha, herself even had felt like the concept was quite mature, so she suggested this song is for mature audience only. The title of the song was called ‘'Dream of You’‘ because her love is so addicting, she even dreams of it in the best ways. She expects her love to be serious and clingy.