​bb u ok?

​bb u ok?

San Holo

“bb u ok?” is a question for you to ask yourself and the people you love. Life is so fast-paced these days: we often don’t take the time to answer this question genuinely. It’s so easy to fall out of touch with yourself and the people around you. We need genuine conversations and connections to keep going… bb u ok?

The song was written by San Holo and The Nicholas in a little Airbnb in Echo Park, LA on 14th September 2019, along with the rest of the ‘bb u ok?’ album.

The song marked a new chapter for San Holo and followed a brief hiatus he had on his social medias. Later on 3rd February, 2021, the ‘bb u ok?’ album was announced along with the release of the second single ‘find your way’. This meant that ‘bb u ok?’ (track 4) was the first released single for the second full-length San Holo album.