The song expresses a sense of frustration and despair towards society, and a desire for a drastic solution to the problems the singer perceives. The opening lines suggest that the singer recognizes his own potential hypocrisy in his desire for a violent end to societal issues, specifically mentioning a guillotine as a means to this end.

The first verse describes a cycle of highs and lows and the emotional emptiness that can result from it. The second verse suggests that in a postmodern world, nothing is important or real, and that people are not civil towards each other, resulting in a hellish existence.

The chorus repeats the desire for an end to all of this, and the fear that the singer may actually want to witness violence to achieve that end. The post-chorus repeats the desire to see a guillotine.

Overall, the song seems to be expressing a deep sense of disillusionment with society and a desire for radical change, even if it means violence. However, the song also acknowledges the potential moral ambiguity of such a desire.