Brittle Bones Nicky 2

Brittle Bones Nicky 2

Rare Americans

This song is a sequel to “Brittle Bones Nicky”, and was first announced to all social media platforms on February 8, 2021. Got officially released 20 days later on the 28th, though some were able to access it early through the site “Shazam”.

The song follows the titular character, Brittle Bones Nicky, after the events of the first song where he now arrived in the afterlife. He learns that God believes that Nicky has sinned for most of his life and that he deserves to go to Hell. Despite arguing that he tried to do the best he could, Nicky still gets sent to Hell where he beats up multiple guards there to get Satan’s attention in order to strike a deal with him. However, Nicky discovers that God and Satan are one in the same, He strikes a deal with them to test people’s resolve to life in exchange in returning back to Earth. God accepts and allows Nicky to return back, which allows Nicky to spend his eternal afterlife messing with people’s lives.

It also offers a lot of unique viewpoints about the afterlife, and lampshades the several aspects of religion that seem to make little sense, such as how God is responsible for all the things that happen to you, good and bad, and then is the one to judge you on the very things you had no control over. But ultimately, we never get a solid answer to any of the questions asked due to the time gap between God’s alleged life and the present, depicted by God in the song refusing to acknowledge any of the points that Nicky brings up.