The highly anticipated “NEW PROFILE PIC” is the duo’s first release in 2021. Following their year-long hiatus after the release of their album Stop Staring at the Shadows, the boy$ have returned with a hard-hitting single which is seen to be featured in the duo’s latest project Long Term Effects of SUFFERING of which the date is to be released on August 13, 2021

The title of the song appears to refer to the tradition of the changing of social media profile pictures each time the pair release a new album. It was first seen after the infamous I Want to Die in New Orleans was released and all $uicideBoy$ social media platforms featured the album cover as their profile picture. This was followed by their collaboration with Travis Barker in LIVE FAST, DIE WHENEVER and finally Stop Staring at the Shadows before their newest upcoming album Long Term Effects of SUFFERING.

The cover art for this single features a cropped image of a postcard denoting costumes from the 1915 Mardi Gras festival. A world-renowned annual celebration held in New Orleans, the hometown of the pair.

This isn’t the first time we see the boys use an image of the festival for their cover art, in their 2018 single “Scrape” in which they used an image from the Rex Ball, an event held during the celebrations.