100% Tragedy

100% Tragedy


Grimes first teased the track by posting a 60 second snippet of the track via TikTok on 20th July 2021 along with the statement: “My label thinks this isn’t a single what do y'all think”.

The song caused controversy after Grimes stated it was about “defeating Azealia Banks when she tried to destroy [her] life”, which many people saw as ironic because Azealia Banks side of the story was that she was left alone waiting at Elon Musk’s house for days and Grimes never showed up. This was around the same time Grimes and Poppy had a falling out over their song Play Destroy, with Poppy accusing Grimes of “bully[ing] songwriters into signing NDA[s]”.

Azealia Banks has responded to this song with one of her own called Tarantula.