Badna Nehlam

Badna Nehlam

Now United

“Badna Nehlam” is the seventeenth song released by the group in 2021.
This is the group’s first single completely in Arabic, starred by Lebanese and Arabic-speaking member Nour Ardakani.
The song also has Arabic vocal appearances from other members.
The song according to Nour speaks of hope, dreams and positivism and means “we want to dream”.
After several spoilers released during its preparation, the song was announced for release on November 26, 2021, with its broadcast primarily focused on the Middle East, with the song being released on the Anghami streaming platform.
The video, released on December 22, was shot in Abu Dhabi, UAE and choreographed by Kyle Hanagami.
On January 14, 2022, the official lyric video was released in addition to its English translation with retakes from the music video.