Up until this point in the album, Kendrick’s been plagued by Lucy & Uncle Sam. On his road to recovery, he runs into a homeless man at a gas station in South Africa.

He tells the story of a man asking for 10 Rand (approx. $1 USD). Initially, Kendrick says no and feels resentment as the man continues to berate him. After asking if he’d read Exodus 14, Kendrick begins to feel guilty and sympathetic towards the man.

His selfishness, towards which he attributes his success, eventually comes out most in his interactions with the homeless man. At that point, the man reveals himself to be God – his selfishness and unwillingness to give the homeless man a dollar has cost him his place in Heaven. This revelation harks back to the parable of “The Sheep and the Goat.”

On December 9, 2015, President Obama named this record as his favorite of the year.