All the Flowers

All the Flowers

Angel Olsen

“All the Flowers” is the fifth song from Angel Olsen’s 2022 Big Time LP. The track creates a world where a family of violins, a viola, a cello, and a harpsichord envelops Olsen’s gentle and fluttering voice. In this piece, Angel Olsen and producer Jonathan Wilson experiment with reverb, chorus, and echo to craft an ethereal sonic landscape. Olsen’s voice, positioned high in the mix, quivers with palpable vulnerability, as if struggling to exist in it.

Lyrically, “All the Flowers” unfurls as a gorgeous, ethereal love song. The verses construct a narrative of longing and the unexpected discovery of love. Angel’s words evoke the sense of finding someone who loves unconditionally, a profound realization she never thought would come to fruition. Angel sings of the desire to be alive, to try, to be somebody, and to be with another.