Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Aaron Dews

Dews had posted snippets of this song on March 31 of 2022, a day prior of its release on April 1, 2022. This song strikes parallels to that of the story of Hosea, where Dews remarks about how a girl he is seemingly close to runs her course, falling in and out of multiple relationships. Dews stated, “A young women finds herself caught up in a damaging cycle of distraction, seeking validation and fulfillment from those around her. After being confronted with an art piece that evokes a sense of introspection, she discovers that herself is what she must learn to love first.” (IMDb) Throughout the song, Dews highlights how this girl should take her time with love, reflecting the verse Solomon 8:4 NIV which says: “Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” In addition to this deep lyrical imagery, the instrumentation of this record is as always with Dews, truly innovative, including tight vocal harmonies, an analog-sounding sample, and signature drums and sine pluck (or as he likes to call it “bloop-blop sound”), creating an entire aura around this song.