Girls Against God

Girls Against God

Florence + the Machine

“Girls Against God” was debuted live at the intimate Newcastle show (O2 City Hall) on 15th April 2022. The song was written in the midst of the first UK lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, reflecting on the impact that it had on Florence’s career and life. It is written as an ironic message to God.

As Florence said on the song’s second performance live at Blackburn (16th April 2022), “this song has, what I call, big lockdown energy”. She added:

For me gigs and shows is where I find my experience of spirituality. And that’s where God is for me – in these rooms with you. And I have seen so much love in these halls from my 10-15 years. So I was having a kind of complete spiritual collapse at the shutting down of all shows and all faces I felt connected. So I kind of imagined an army of furious girls in their pajama’s waging war on heaven. Because I was very very angry and I was in my pajama’s most of the time. And so this song is kind of about that feeling. And it’s called “Girls Against God”.

Producer Jack Antonoff called it his “favorite” song on the album.

Made remotely in the heat of lockdown. That song just brings me back to some of the best moments during a dark time. Dance Fever forever.