Exceptional Zed

Exceptional Zed

The Cast of ZOMBIES

Exceptional Zed is a song from the third movie from Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. It was released on July 15 2022. It’s about how zombies are counting on Zed to be the first zombie to get in college. It is sung by Milo Manheim, (Zed) Meg Donnelly, (Addison) Carla Jeffery, (Bree) Trevor Tordjman, (Bucky) Kingstone Foster, (Zoey) Emilia McCarthy, (Lacey) Noah Zulfikar, (JC) Jasmine Renee Thomas, (Stacey) Naomi Snieckus, (Principal Lee) Jonathan Langdon, (Coach) Baby Ariel, (Wynter) & Pearce Joza. (Wyatt)