Bad Omens is about a broken relationship where they ignored the “Bad Omens” showing that the relationship wasn’t working. They tried to keep the relationship going because of their love and ignored the omens but the relationship was doomed to fail.

The music video was released on the 26th of September 2022 and depicts two lovers in a car crash symbolizing the end of their relationship. Multiple giant “red flags” are seen in the sky which eventually envelop the car completely whilst they are driving and the car continues off a cliff and crashes. They tried to ignore the “omens/red flags” in their relationship until it was too late with the flag enveloping the car symbolizing the point of no return removing their control in the situation and the car crashing symbolizing the end of the relationship.

Omens are a symbol that usually foreshadows a bad event whilst red flags are warning signs in relationships that indicate unhealthy or manipulative behavior.