Cecilia is a song by the Despicable Me films characters The Minions, released as a part of the soundtrack for the movie Minions: The Rise of Gru.

The song is a cover of Cecilia by Simon & Grafunkel, sang using vocables. The film features this song at the start of the film while minions are renovating the basement of Gru’s house into his evil lair

Cecilia ita soh ay de Deh pica beh mi filh cha cha teh De Minions, rih lih asan ah oh de son tah foh de muh bi Minions: a rahi oh Gru.

De sos iga bo beh oh Cecilia bah Sinoh an Gah fu feh, bah jum eh, no di beh sin oh minion en wech. De phil fi turs dih soh at de stah oh de fih wa ih Minions ah re no bah ti de bey mey oh Gru jaw in tu jis ibih la ih