Every Planet We Reach Is Dead

Every Planet We Reach Is Dead


“Every Planet We Reach Is Dead” is about a lost relationship with Mother Nature, the girl who’s mentioned in the lyrics. Its general message is relevant to other songs on the album such as “O Green World” and “Fire Coming Out of the Monkey’s Head,” as Demon Days is about humanity’s self-destruction and the perversion of natural things. The sight of Mother Nature, though still beautiful, is now eclipsed by civilization. The song’s title suggests that every new place humanity reaches is not already dead but rather doomed to be; we are destined to kill all that we touch.

The track is organ-driven and rhythmical, with a melancholy feel. The song famously features one of the last appearances from music legend Ike Turner who contributed the piano solo before his death in 2007.

This song is the 8th track on the Gorillaz second studio album Demon Days.