“7AM” by Bright Campa seems to revolve around the struggles of self-doubt and uncertainty that the artist is experiencing. The lyrics explore the internal conflict between wanting to be a better version of oneself and feeling like they are constantly falling short.

In the first verse, the artist wakes up early in the morning, perhaps symbolizing a new day or a fresh start. However, they quickly realize that they should have kept the curtains shut, implying that they are not ready to face the challenges ahead. They express a desire to become a better person but acknowledge that they have been doing something wrong repeatedly.

The chorus reflects the artist’s frustration with their own shortcomings. They admit to being accustomed to failure, yet they are not ignorant or unintelligent, indicating they are aware of their mistakes. They also mention “wasting all the fun,” suggesting that their negative mindset may be impacting their ability to enjoy life.

The second verse delves deeper into the artist’s internal conflict. They express a desire for independence and the need to prove themselves. However, they also question their own capabilities and whether they will end up feeling helpless and dependent once again. They contemplate whether they should give up or persevere.

The third verse intensifies the self-doubt and uncertainty. The artist questions if they are suited for their current path and ponders the idea of quitting. This repetition emphasizes the internal struggle they are facing, unsure of their own abilities and constantly contemplating giving up.

The repeated outro serves as a reflective moment, allowing the listener to feel the weight of the artist’s doubts and fears.

Overall, “7AM” explores themes of self-doubt, fear of failure, and the constant struggle to find one’s place. It encapsulates the inner turmoil that many individuals face when trying to navigate through life’s uncertainties and the pressure to meet their own expectations.