Burndt Jamb

Burndt Jamb


“Burndt Jamb” is track seven on Weezer’s fourth studio album Maladroit (May 14th, 2002). The song describes a lost love and how Cuomo wishes for it once again, if only for a moment, for he would be satisfied once again as a result. It did not always have these lyrics, or lyrics at all; it began as an instrumental recorded in a stop on the Hooptie Tour in Washington, D.C. When lyrics were being given to it finally, they originally were just Cuomo singing about potato chips, but it went on to evolve into the song we have now. The guitar is a light sound in the verses and chorus with a heavier bridge between the portions of the song, something that was fairly uncommon to Weezer recordings at the time; some feel the lighter parts have funk elements to them.