Artificial Death in the West

Artificial Death in the West

Death Grips

Ride analyzes the potential of the internet to take over our daily lives and expose us to a slow, artificial desensitization that can lead to the death of our true selves. The internet can be both an escape and distraction from our fears in our ‘“real” lives. Since humanity created the internet, it is an extension of us. We make it what it is because it is an enhancement of reality.

Considering the song’s overt sexual imagery and implications, it also incorporates the concept behind “La petite mort,” a French expression which denotes the sensation experienced during orgasm as a state of being close to death.

Another possible interpretation is that Ride is describing his difficultly with sex and his inability to escape from it. He describes a distasteful and shallow encounter with a drug addicted woman, and follows it with a self-deprecating description of masturbation and pornography.