“Angel Eyes” is a song by American pop punk band New Years Day. It appears on their 2013 album Victim to Villain. The track features Chris Motionless of Motionless In White.

The song is about falling for someone who you know is bad for you, but you can’t resist and take the fall anyway.

A music video for the song was released on August 14th, 2013. There were many difficulties during filming.

Lead singer Ash Costello says:

The music video went wrong in every way you could imagine on the road to putting it together. Props were breaking, budget was getting higher and higher, money was getting spent faster than we could make it, locations were lost and then found, lost and then found again. Chris almost missing his flights due to stormy weather. Scheduling and touring changes… Money for this video was not just handed to us by a label in the form of a check. At all. This grand idea I had for a video treatment, was not going to be cheap, and I would be damned if I would compromise the story just to save money… so work began on funding it, and it took months. We called, begged, borrowed it from anyone willing to invest in this video. After a lot of convincing and sweet talking, we eventually raised enough.