Ranked at #36 in United States
Wesley Schultz is trying to do the right things the right way, whether it’s in a relationship or in life in general. Although he does say, “it”, which might means he’s trying to do what he’s going through right.

Even though he’s trying to do the right things, his life is lonely. He’s not happy…there is something missing causing him to feel lonliness even though he’s trying to do right, which should bring happiness.

He doesn’t know what he did and when that started the chain of events in action? He doesn’t know why she left him? He doesn’t know how he got so lonely and lost even without her since he’s been trying to do all the right things. Or maybe he thought doing all the right things would bring her back somehow.

He’s not able to tell her these things or they’re not communicating this or she’s not seeing what all he’s doing. A song is a romantic way to tell someone you miss them, or maybe the song is to make himself feel better.

if she would have went to where he was he’d be standing by someone else that wasn’t her, and how would she have felt or what would she have thought? Would that be right? And he’s talking about what it would have been … past tense, was there someone else back then and now he wants her back and she’s moving on and he doesn’t think she’s right for any other guy but him?

The bleeding means life, and seeing his family will bring him back to life, but his life is feeling like it’s fading and he doesn’t want to lose everything he’s been trying to do right while waiting on her. So, obviously, this is a love note in form of a song so he could say it the way he felt it.