“Bigger Person” by Lauren Spencer Smith is a heartfelt anthem exploring the complexities of relationships and the burden of constantly being the one to compromise. With poignant lyrics and a soulful melody, Smith delves into the dynamics of a relationship where one person feels the weight of always having to be the “bigger person.”

The song starts with a hauntingly beautiful intro, setting the tone for introspection and emotional vulnerability. Smith’s vocals shine as she reflects on the silent sacrifices made to keep the relationship intact, despite feeling overlooked and unheard.

In the chorus, Smith questions why she’s always the one to bear the responsibility of holding things together, expressing frustration at the imbalance of emotional labor. The post-chorus echoes the sentiment, emphasizing the emotional toll of constantly having to concede for the sake of the relationship.

The bridge serves as a plea for change, with Smith yearning for mutual understanding and accountability. In the breakdown, there’s a shift in perspective as Smith challenges her partner to step up and take responsibility for their actions.

Overall, “Bigger Person” is a soul-stirring ballad that speaks to the struggle of maintaining harmony in relationships while navigating the delicate balance of compromise and self-respect. Smith’s emotive delivery and raw honesty make this song a powerful anthem for anyone who has ever felt unseen or taken for granted in a relationship.