“Abbreviation of Bloody Boring Time. This song has had major transformations since its demo recording. The initial image was more MC5, that sort of garage punk. From there, the scent of punk rock further strengthened the catchy chorus. Then breakdown, and landing on UK ska-punk… well, this is one of my specialties after all.

“I think the phrase ‘Don’t know what you mean, don’t know what you think’ was inspired by Otoboke Beaver’s PARDON? This and the pun that follows ‘king and queen they don’t give us a wink’ are my all-time favourites. The song is inspired by The Specials, and repeats the title words ‘bloody boring time’. To match The Specials, instead of using the ‘f’ word from the original chorus, I switched it with ‘bloody’, a commonly used slang in their homeland, the UK.”