The track “Animal,” performed by Magnolia Park, Ethan Ross, and PLVTINUM, delves into profound themes of inner turmoil, self-identity, and the perpetual struggle to harness one’s emotions. The lyrics vividly paint the picture of a character who finds themselves disconnected from their own humanity, self-referentially labeling themselves as an “animal” due to their unpredictable mental state.

The initial lines of the song convey an intense feverish sensation within the mind, drawing a parallel to a burning feeling. This vividly symbolizes the internal tumult that the protagonist is grappling with. They candidly admit their incapacity to control the wild, untamed aspect that resides within them. The mention of lucid dreams hints at the surreal nature of their existence and their aspiration to break free from the confines of their own psyche.

As the lyrics progress, they delve deeper into the internal struggles of the protagonist, portraying their mind as inherently unstable, characterized by mood swings that inflict pain and confusion. The reference to their face being filled with “putrid things” implies a distorted self-perception, burdened by dark thoughts and emotions. Throughout the song, the character reflects on the toll of their inner turmoil and questions their own reality, as if seeking answers within a reflective surface.

The chorus revisits the motif of a mirror, as the protagonist seeks validation and comprehension from their own self. They grapple with questions about their authenticity and who might succumb to their primal impulses, revealing their fear of losing control. Their longing for violence and conflict serves as an outlet for the release of pent-up emotions and the pursuit of their personal truth.

In the second verse, the character acknowledges their apprehension regarding their inner experiences and the judgments of others. They depict themselves as a reincarnation of a demon, underscoring their internal conflict and self-awareness of their darker inclinations. The recurrent line “I’m a motherfucking animal” reinforces their association with this turbulent and unrestrained facet of their personality.

The song portrays the protagonist as simultaneously fearful and accepting of their inner animalistic tendencies. They come to terms with the possibility of their own downfall while embracing the reality that they are the animal they can never escape. The word “animal'‘ underscores this identity and the inner conflict that plagues the protagonist.