‘23’ is a song by Lawrence with lead singing by Gracie Lawrence. It was first teased in the final song of Lawrence’s third studio album, “Hotel TV”, where the line “At 23 you said goodbye” is sung on the track “Figure It Out (A Song Between Siblings)”. It was played live for over a year, from June 2022, but it was unclear when or if the song would be releasing. On October 2nd, a clip of the song was posted on Instagram with the caption “tomorrow”. The next day, It was announced that “23” would be releasing as a single, as well as a reveal of the cover art. However, the release date was not announced, fans were told, “[23]. COMING SOON. When? That’s up to you. Get it up to 10k pre-saves and we’ll put that bad boi out.” On October 13th, the release date for 23 was announced for October 20th.