“Divorce” There’s one song in the album that is also the most tragic about my relationship breakdown called ‘Divorce’ which came about just from having a conversation and saying exactly how I felt. Then, we just put those exact feelings into a song which is rare rather than thinking about what’s catchy or whatever.

But I think with that one, where I’ve got this executive producer credit really makes that song and brings it to life. The fact that I’m singing it in a very different way. I’m talking and it’s not a put on singer’s voice, it’s a very genuine delivery. Then on top of that, I’ve also recorded my actual children playing in the background on the song which makes it even more emotional. I cannot listen to it!

In the soundscape it’s me saying how sad it is that I’m not with their dad anymore. So that was difficult. I don’t know if I can ever play it live because it’s fucking exhausting.

— Faith via clashmusic.