Another Public Service Announcement

Another Public Service Announcement


This is the starting track on Devils Night, which parodies Eminem’s “Public service announcement” and it’s sequel on The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP respectively. In it Jeff Bass starts off as the other two did, but the Rondell Beene knocks him out and takes over, making it much more hilarious than the first two; the first had mild humor in how Bass warned was in the album, the second he explained what Shady cares about people who are offended by his words, this he was knocked out by a (presumably high) black guy, who did the announcement his way, tied up, and shot. The shooting is also assumed to be the reason Em doesn’t do the announcements anymore.

It is done by Jeff Bass, one of the two Bass brothers who influenced Em’s sound early on, and Kuniva’s alter ego, Rondell Beene.