This song is about French talking to someone who wants to get into the drug game. He’s telling the person that I can show you the ropes but once you step foot in this game you’re gonna be on your own. This is explained the hook comes in by repeating “I can take you to the water, but can’t help you drink.”

He tries to get the persons head right because tonight they’re gonna put in some sort of work, and the persons head needs to be right in case anything happens so that he won’t break, and end up killed, in jail, snitching etc.

He also repeats the line blood is thicker than water which could mean that he is speaking to someone who is in his family about being in the game. In “Playin in the Wind” (which has yet to be uploaded to RG), French raps “Me and Max like brothers”. So, French is not talking about his literal family, but rather his close friends.

The main sample comes from Barry Manilow’s “Sweet Life”: