Blvd. Nights

Blvd. Nights

Team Sleep

Blvd. Nights (pronounced ‘Boulevard Nights’) is the fifth song off of Team Sleep’s debut album, Team Sleep.

The song’s lyrics are known to be hard to decipher, which is typical of many tracks sang by Chino Moreno. In this track, however, it seems to have a similar narrative to Deftones' Passenger where the singer is in a car with somebody else (supposedly) having sexual intercourse while the vehicle is moving. In Blvd. Nights, this takes place in the backseats, most likely while the car is not moving. These themes are alluded to in a few places, most notably through the repeated lyrics “you’re not gonna stop, I know how you are,” which could mean this isn’t the two characters' first time with each other (also by the song’s name, which could hint to the story taking place at night, but the name could also have nothing to do with the song).

Chino Moreno has not elaborated on this song much so far.