Fading Away (feat. Ziggy Nash)

Fading Away (feat. Ziggy Nash)

Eddie Clutch (Ft. Ziggy Nash)

Fading Away is Eddie Clutch’s First Project in 15 Months!

Fading Away talks about how dealing with a whole new lifestyle is “Fading Away” Clutch with his partner as he talks about recent struggles they both had and how he does not want to be trapped back into a lifestyle he proudly escaped.

The Song features fellow New Jersey Artist Ziggy Nash and friend of Eddie Clutch whose verse further implies this trend of feeling trapped by this person and needing the strength to move on even through they are “Fading Away” from each other

The overall song and message implies that you will still feel like you are “Fading Away” from the love of your life but in the long run you will be making the right decision as it will make you a stronger person in life.