Suga J

Suga J


Suga J (also sometimes spelled Sugar J) is a Harlem rapper and designer who was a member of Harlem World, a group created by Ma$e. Suga J was the last member to join the group, seemingly to replace longtime member Cardan shortly before the release of the group’s gold selling debut The Movement.

While the circumstances surrounding Suga J’s joining of the group are unclear, he was not listed as a group member on an advertisement for the album that ran in VIBE magazine in December 1998 (while Cardan was). When the album was released in March 1998, Suga J replaced Cardan on the cover photo and list of official group members.

Suga J appeared on two songs from The Movement—three fewer than Cardan. Both rappers were included in the 2011 semi-reunion of Harlem World.

In 2012, Suga J founded a fashion brand called Members Club Clothing.