Anoushka Shankar

Anoushka Shankar


Raised between the vibrant cultures of Delhi and London, Anoushka Shankar (born Anoushka Hemangini Shankar on June 9, 1981) inherited a rich musical legacy. Daughter of the renowned Indian sitar maestro Ravi Shankar and Sukanya Rajan, this heritage became the foundation for her unique path in the music world. Shankar seamlessly blends classical tradition with contemporary innovation, emerging as a leading figure in the world of contemporary sitar music.

Nurtured by early training under Gaurav Mazumdar, a disciple of her father, Shankar’s musical journey began at a young age. By eight, she was already delving into the world of sitar, and her talent blossomed quickly. By thirteen, her captivating sitar performances were enthralling audiences. This early success culminated in her recording debut at the tender age of fourteen with Angel Records' “In Celebration.”

At sixteen, Shankar signed her first exclusive recording contract with Angel/EMI, embarking on a remarkable trajectory. Her debut album, “Anoushka” (1998), marked the beginning of a series of groundbreaking releases, including “Anourag” (2000) and “RISE” (2005).

Shankar’s artistic vision extends beyond solo albums. In 2007, she collaborated with Karsh Kale on “Breathing Under Water,” a project that beautifully exemplified her versatility. This innovative album blended the classical sounds of the sitar with electronica beats and melodies, pushing artistic boundaries and demonstrating her willingness to experiment with new sounds.

Subsequent albums, such as “Traveller” (2013) and “Traces of You” (2013), further solidified Shankar’s reputation as a trailblazer. She continued to explore cross-genre collaborations, refining her signature sound while captivating audiences with her evocative compositions and virtuoso performances.

Shankar’s talents extend beyond the realm of solo performances and innovative albums. Her contributions to film scores, including Joe Wright’s “Anna Karenina” (2012) and the restoration of “Shiraz: A Romance of India” (2017), further showcased her versatility as a composer and musician.

Throughout her illustrious career, Shankar has garnered international recognition for her unique blend of classical tradition and contemporary sounds. Her achievements include nine Grammy nominations and recognition from prestigious institutions, such as the Royal Academy of Music.