Danielson Famile

Danielson Famile


Danielson Famile are:
- Daniel Smith
- Elin Smith (Daniel’s wife)
- Megan Slaboda (Daniel’s sister)
- David Smith (Daniel’s brother)
- Andrew Smith (Daniel’s brother)
- Rachel Galloway (Daniel’s sister)
- Jedidiah Slaboda (Megan’s husband)
- Christiaan & Melissa Palladino
- Lenny, Ida & Lilly Smith (Daniel & Elin’s children)
- Sufjan Stevens

Beginning with 2004’s Brother is to Son, Smith dropped the “Famile” from the name and continued making records as Danielson.

Daniel, Elin and Megan have all worked with Sufjan Stevens as backing vocalists and Daniel also produced for Sufjan and for ​mewithoutYou.